Asalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

This time I will explain to my friends how to make a cool logo, it is very easy how to make it, now the software that I use Corel

the steps:
1. Open the corel draw software, open a new sheet

2. Make a hexagon shape, how to select the polygon tool then left-click hold on the worksheet,

3. Copy the hexagon into 4 parts, then give the hexagon color, 2 white 1 black 1 not given color, then set / stack the hexagon, to adjust the display between hexagon to one another can press CTRL + Page up / Page Down
4. Import backgrond, click the file, select import
5. Power clip background image that has been imported into the logo
6. When you have, then make a shape, select the tool banner shapes
7. then color the shape, enter the fountain fill, select 2 colors, orange and white
8. When you have colored the shape, then bend the shape, how to select the shape tool then right click on the shape select covert to curves
9. then right click again select to curve, then arch
10. then make the text as you wish by using the text tool the top and bottom shape sections
11. then make text again for the top, according to your wishes, then make 2 rectangles, make the shape small like a line using the ractangle tool, give it a white color. then to remove the margins, select the outline, then the width select none, then OK
12. then give the star accessories on the logo to make it look even better, by way of ctrl + f11 to bring up the characters, on the character font select wingdings 2 then select the star you want then click copy, place it above the logo
13. The group's all logos are used up,

for friends, please please create a logo to make it more beautiful, so many tutorials from me, thank you
Wasalamu'alaikum Wr Wb.
Draw X7 for friends who use core draw other than X7 is not a problem. well, we just go to the tutorial


Asalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Wektu iki aku bakal nerangake marang kanca-kanca babagan carane nggawe logo sing keren, gampang banget kanggo nggawe, saiki piranti lunak sing nganggo Corel Draw X7 kanggo kanca-kanca sing nggunakake inti nggambar liyane saka X7 ora masalah. uga, kita mung pindhah menyang tutorial

1. Bukak piranti lunak corel tarik, bukak lembaran anyar

2. Nggawe wangun hexagon, carane milih alat polygon banjur klik kkn terus ing lembar kerja,

3. Nyalin hexagon dadi 4 bagian, banjur menehi werna hexagon, 2 putih 1 ireng 1 ora diwenehi werna, banjur atur / tumpukan segi enam, kanggo nyetel tampilan antarane hexagon kanggo siji liyane bisa mencet CTRL + Page munggah / Kaca Mudhun
4. Ngimpor ulang, klik file, pilih impor
5. Power gambar latar mburi sing wis diimpor menyang logo
6. Yen sampeyan duwe, banjur gawe wujud, pilih banner banner alat
7. banjur werno warnane, lebokno sumber banyu, pilih 2 warna, oranye lan putih
8. Yen wis nganggo wangun, banjur mbungkus wangun, carane milih alat bentuk banjur klik tengen ing wangun pilih covert kanggo kurva
9. banjur klik tengen maneh milih kanggo kurva, banjur lengket
10. banjur nggawe teks sing dikarepake kanthi nggunakake alat teks bagean ndhuwur lan ngisor
11. banjur nggawe teks maneh kanggo ndhuwur, miturut panjalukmu, banjur nggawe 2 persegi panjang, supaya wangun cilik kaya garis nggunakake alat ractangle, menehi werna putih. banjur mbusak margins, pilih outline, banjur jembar pilih ora ana, banjur OK
12. banjur menehi aksesoris bintang ing logo supaya katon luwih apik, kanthi cara ctrl + f11 kanggo ngowahi karakter, ing huruf font pilih wingdings 2 banjur pilih lintang sing pengin banjur klik copy, letakake ing ndhuwur logo
13. Grup kabeh logo digunakake,

kanggo kanca, mangga nggawe logo supaya luwih ayu, supaya akeh tutorial saka aku, matur nuwun
Wasalamu'alaikum Wr Wb.

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